Saturday, 6 June 2009

Hijabs High!

Afternoon all :-)

I've been doing my usual hijab spotting since the moment I flipped my laptop open this morning and have felt so stylishly inspired by the style and hijab conscious muslim sisters around the world.

Here's one website, Hijabs High, that I frequently visit with the eager anticipation of finding out which stylish hijabista has been chosen for the new muslim style blog entry. It showcases the sometimes simple, sometimes flash, but always stylish hijabi sisters from all around the world. Amazing to see what outfits other hijabi sisters are hijabifying with their own stylish twist!

Love it! Two thumbs up!

Ooh just to add by the way, I would've displayed my favourite feature but since the author of the blog has requested viewers to respect copyright by not copying text/images, I shall respect the author's request :-) Do check it out yourself though!

Fatty x

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