Friday 4 September 2009

Small catch up

Salaam all & Ramadan Mubarak

Hope that you're all in good health iA.

As you may already know, this Ramadhan will be like no other for my family and I. What began with the entire family welcoming Ramadhan together, will now sadly end with one family missing, forever gone. It really feels like a part of our bodies has disappeared, incomplete and almost dysfunctional without it, or him rather. Yet, with Allah's rahmat and mercy, we continue to trod on. Determined to happily accept Allah's will as our fate as we believe in Him and His promise of the hereafter. InshaAllah only He can ease our pain and keep us on the right track towards Him and His beauty, Ameen. Thank you once again to all my dear sisters and readers who may or may not have stopped by to offer their condolences, really does offer comfort.

Well. Looks like we've almost reached half way in Ramadhan. It really has gone by super quick. Whilst catching up with other sister's blogs, I've come to notice how some of you make a short list of goals which you want to attain by the end of this glorious month. It made me realise how I haven't done the same and got me thinking of possibly doing one too. In short I think the following will be something of an achievement for me:
  1. Reading my prayers/salah on time.
  2. Doing more dhikr. Whether that's reading the Qur'an or tasbih, doesn't matter.
I did start off Ramadhan with the intention of completing the reading of the Qur'an but it doesn't seem very likely any more. I've had to take a female break and this has already impeded my reading. Not to mention the tonnes of work that has now piled up: dissertation plus preparing school work for my new job starting immediately after Ramadhan. Hmm, sounds like I'm making excuses right. :| We'll see inshaAllah.

So-oo-o. Tomorrow, as in at 1.00 am I will get to see the hubs after almost a week! He's driving from home to my mum's and should get here around 1ish, inshaAllah. Really looking forward to seeing him and getting his cuddles. Two weeks of staying at home every day has kinda regrettably put a strain on my relationship with my mum and sisters to the extent where I feel I need a break before it hits a lower low :| Women and hormones eh. I don't know when I'll be coming back to revisit, probably when things calm down and the dust has settled. A week maybe two, who knows.

Okay, well, before I begin ranting and raving I shall wrap this up in time. Have a great weekend ladies and make the most of this glorious month!



Sweet Escape said...

Allah yerhamo. InshAllah things get easier for you and your family Fatty.

Farnnay said...

Insha'Allah everything gets easier for you and your family.

mint.fresh.muslim said...

Jzk :-)