- I came across this article just now and it made me chuckle. The kids on the face of it are just asking awkward questions, but I actually think they're quite deep and profound!
Check it out here :-)
- So the past few days, well since Sunday night actually I've been quite busy with family as my only sis-in-law and her hubby paid us a visit. It was cool having them round as we rarely see them but gosh, it's awful having uni work to do at home while the family's around. They left yesterday which has freed me up quite a bit :-)
- Oh also on Sunday, the hubs and I checked out Bristol's Islamic Fayre. The weather was beautiful, hot and sunny which perfectly complimented the days activities in a pro-halal environment.
We heard nasheeds, with live performances by Khaleel Mohammed, ate great halal food and ice cream, drank lots of cool slush while sat on the clean green grass. We even indulged in a spot of joy riding on the bumping cars lol and yaa generally had a great day out. We also promised to come back to the fair with our future kids so that we can chase them round the park and also put them on a donkey ride! InshaAllah :-)
- I also laid my eyes on some fore arm sleeves which I had only ever seen on the web. At £3.50 though, I did think they were a little over priced but hubs bought me a black and white pair anyway.
Just earlier today I realised that they are indeed cheaper on the net and would've been a bit cheaper in places like Birmingham - grrr! But what the hey ho! I'm so penny wise and pound foolish, hah!
- Talking of covering up, I'm really in search of a piece of chest/cleavage covering garment that I came across earlier this year on an American website. The piece was triangular shaped and covered the collar bone and chest area, sort of like a pyramid shape. Stupid me, never bookmarked the so-hard-to-find web page and so have failed to track it down ever since :-( I ask you dear sisters to please post a link if you know what I'm talking about! It just seems to have disappeared! I would be ever so grateful :-)
regarding the last point, i don't know the exact product you're talking about, but the name for a similar product in America is a "dickie" or "dickey." you may be able to search for that. but there's also a brand of clothing with the name Dickies. hope you find it. regarding the fayre, seems like so much fun! :) glad you enjoyed your time!!
The sleeves are usually really expensive here where we are. But I think the price that you got them for is pretty good. And you've never seen them before? They've been popular for quite some time.
looks like you had a really good time!
Try this link for the neck covers http://www.almuhajabaelaniqa.com/black-neck-cover.html
hahah. i read the link you put up and the questions were tricky alright!ohh kids nowadays..
awwwww your weekend seemed fun!!am so jealous!! h1n1 cases here in malaysia is getting worse so we can't really go anywhere without getting paranoid and plus seeing everyone walking around with masks on..not a pretty sight!
have a pleasant week dearie and good luck with your dissertation! work hard play harder!!:D
@XL: Thanks sis, I did a search for 'dickies' and a US brand website kept coming up. After a few mins though, I did come across the 'dicky' and yup that's just what I'm looking for, sort of lol. See the one I saw ages ago was a triangular shaped one which looked 'perfect'. Anyway, 'dickey' - seriously, who comes up with these things!!!!
@Constructive Attitude: Yeah that's right, I've only ever seen them on the web! And you're right, the price wasn't too bad, that's just me being a stingy student :-P
@Queen: We did indeed sis, glorious weather too :-)
@Anchor girl: Thank you sooo much for the link, very very useful :-) I'm gonna look round a bit more in the hope of finding the triangular one (see above) at a cheaper price. Failing that, I will most likely order from these guys :-)
@Aimie: Is the swine flu really that bad over there in Malaysia? Gosh, had no idea! Must be awful for you being indoor all the time, but better safe than sorry especially in your sensitive condition!! Malaysia is sooo happening sweets that I'm sure you'll be able to catch up on everything you've been missing out on once the little one pops! hehee! Dissertation work - sort of getting there thanks :-)
Mwah xx
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